Single Stream Processing Results... a little over a year in.
We are biased. There is no way around it, our company founders and current board members have been in the recycling industry pretty much their entire lives. They have some pretty solid feelings on single stream but as I've suggested, many times now, the people had spoken and we needed to make the change. The change that communities, companies, and residents alike were all requesting are demanding. We reluctantly purchased the equipment, increased the staff, and had our sales team reach out to the haulers and local businesses... we successfully process single stream materials. It's been more than a full year now and we have some additional insight, which I don't think shocked any of us. 1. Increased volume does not equal increased recycling. This is another topic I've covered on this blog before, so many townships or companies advertise that since beginning single stream collection they have witnessed a significant increase in the recycling participation. The only p...