
Showing posts from February, 2022

Are you buying the greenwash hype -or isn't it greenwashing at all?

Sometimes it's all just about image but other times it really does go much deeper than that to real environmental and sustainability goals. The largest problem is cutting through the talk and determining what to believe and who is just greenwashing. There has been a good deal of negative talk lately about the use of plastics and their effect on our environment. When plastic items are not recycled and are landfilled, or worse, littered I agree, they have a large negative impact on our environment.  The idea of reducing or ending plastic consumption has opened doors to new products. Some of these options are catching on simply because they are not plastic. While some may be good options others are just a form of bait and switch, creating no real environmental benefit or at times negative effects.

Would an increased bottle rebate = recycling improvements?

 If we gave you .10 cents for every water bottle you recycled, would you recycle more? I can say with a great deal of confidence that it would not affect the recycling rate in my household. What would it affect? Well, that is a good question.  The stated goal of the bill is to increase recycling rates and promote recycling participation with some monetary motivation. The downfall is that much like most rebate/refund programs there tend to be those who try to exploit them. An episode of Sinfield speaks to bottle redemption road trips.  I have never enjoyed the muttered complaints without a solution but I don't think there is one clear, single solution.  I take that back. There is one clear solution that would make an enormous positive impact on recycling and launch forward the circular economy. The solution is so incredibly easy and I've said it so often that I ev...