Cape Cod's plastic *WATER* bottle ban

Cape Cod towns decided to take a stance and ban plastic water bottles in their town. You can drink soda, juice, and other beverages in the same plastic bottles but under no circumstance should you consider drinking bottled water, not in their town. The confusing part is that these bottles are 100% recyclable and in demand. There are consumers currently seeking these raw materials. There is no question about their recyclability, the only thing in question is if consumers can be bothered to get them into the recycling bins. 

I've found that as I read the news I am confused. This decision by the towns of Cape Cod is one of those times. I agree wholeheartedly that there are many necessary steps to be taken to increase the positive impact of recycling. This very random and illogical approach is what absolutely baffles me. If you want to ban something look into items that really have inconsistent or no end markets. Styrofoam for example - have at it, ban away. Plastic sandwich/snack bags; okay getting rid of these also makes sense. 

The idea of focusing on one specific type of liquid in a bottle that can be recycled instead of focusing on consumer education or motivation just seems extremely off-target. It is especially concerning since these exact bottles will still be in the stream because people will (and are allowed to) still drink sugared and carbonated beverages in this town. What was really accomplished and what was the real goal of this new decree?


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