
Showing posts from 2016

Give More... Time.

Count your blessing, we all have so many. Family, friends, food in our bellies, and a roof over our head. Its so easy to focus on the goals we haven't yet achieved instead of being grateful for all we possess. As this "black friday" encourages us to buy and save we need to keep in mind the importance of our presence and how little the presents will eventually mean. For our hearts, our family, and our planet the gift of time together is the best gift we could ever give. #lessstuff #threers #presencevspresents #bepresent



No mixed feelings here.

Image This article in Waste Advantage Magazine discusses the idea of single bin collection (not to be confused with single stream collection). Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably they are vastly different (pay attention to context) and ask for clarification. Single bins collection means that all materials that are leaving your home or business (garbage & recycling) will go in the same single bin. These mixed up, highly contaminated materials will go to what is known as a dirty MRF (Materials Recovery Facility) and the staff will be tasked with first sorting out food waste, dirty diapers, feminine products, coffee grinds, and lots of other highly unappealing items from the "recycling". After they've raked out whatever garbage they can they will attempt to salvage  "clean" recyclable items. Sorters will try to sort the paper, bottles, cans, & glass that remain so it might...

Recycling Tip#4 - Please follow instructions!

We know that you've been hearing, seeing, and learning about the amazing amount of things that can be recycled into something new. It's such a waste to throw these recyclable items into a landfill when they could be used as a raw material. The idea of recycling excites us, that is what we do! The downside to learning the capabilities of recycling is only hearing a portion of the story. While MANY, MANY items are recyclable (claims have been made recently that about 80% of all waste) it must be recycled correctly. Cigarette butts may be reuse able, juice pouches have been a raw material, Grocery bags can be made into decking boards, electronic scrap may become new components but if these items are received at our Hamburg, PA facility they will likely end up the same place they would've it you threw them away. Even worse than my last statement... there is a very good chance that a few cans, bottles, and jars may also be thrown away with them because they became contamin...

"What is that big mountain??"

If you are in the area and have happened to drive by our Hamburg, PA location I am sure that you have noticed our mountain of "glass". It's not just normal glass, it has been processed and is ready for use. We take great pride in using every possible item to its fullest recycling potential. An unfortunate side effect of transporting recyclables is broken glass (of mixed colors a.k.a. mixed cullet). Most producers who are in search of recycled glass need it to be segregated by color and cannot use mixed broken pieces. Since there was no "real" recycling options we have a large piece of equipment that acts like a giant stone tumbler. This equipment helps to remove plastic and other contaminants while getting it to a uniform size and tumbling it to remove sharp edges. While this material has obvious limitations (you won't be building your home with it) it also has a lot of areas that it excels at. The  material tested and approved (and in use) as a filteri...

This is worth saving

I  can't think of a more fitting way to motivate others to recycle than to highlight (with just a few pictures) the stunning beauty all around us. Sometimes (heck, most times) we forget to take it in; just like the most special people in our lives we sometimes take for granted. This is really worth saving, my children adore the outdoors and all that it entails we need to keep it beautiful for them (and all of your future generations). 


The recycling markets have been in the spotlight lately for being in a tough spot and that's good because they are. Fuel & oil prices as well as the state of foreign markets play a large role in the current state of recycling and material recovery facilities but the single largest obstacle that MRF's battle every day is contamination. The best part about this is that unlike fuel prices and foreign markets the people recycling have a direct hand in this and can change it. I think for the most part, we are all pretty bright people who have come to understand that recycling is important for the future of our planet yet the results are still so ugly, why?? Recycling is confusing! It's not so much that the process itself is all that complex but there are just so many variables. 1. The numbers on the bottom of the bottles aren't always a true indicator of what the bottle is made of (at least completely). There is no real "ruling body" that sets regula...